Dr. Phil expresses optimal health through chiropractic!

Yesterday on the Dr. Phil show he interviewed his own chiropractor and discussed why he has been receiving regular adjustments to improve his health. He has been under care for over 15 years and has discovered that the power that makes the body, heals the body. Watch this clip to see how important chiropractic has been to Dr. Phil’s health.



Bringing Hope to Our Country

While our country is in a healthcare crisis we need hope. With pharmaceutical companies and insurance companies controlling all aspects of our health, who can care for us, and how they can care for us, there has to be another way. Watch this encouraging video to see how chiropractic is bringing hope to this nation in crisis. This video is Dr. Wayne Dyer, internationally best-selling author of more than 30 books including The Power of Intention, shares his views on the status of the current health care paradigm and the role of Chiropractic in the shift away from that current health care model. Join us in bringing this change to our country.
